
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Some Freeking Cool Bass

Ok it's been awhile since I've recorded some new music but that hasn't held back other musicians from creating some great new music. Freekbass has just released the "Concentrate" album which you can download for free. I've just been streaming it myself and liked what I heard so thought I would share it on the blog.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Sun Chai Butterstick - Guitar Improv

The third in a series of guitar improvisations. This piece is entitled "Sun Chai Butterstick". The drums are courtesy of Sonoma Wireworks Riffworks Intsant Drummer. The guitar is played over a repeating bass line and is based around the E Minor Scale. The video is public domain.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Coma Bullion - Guitar Improv

"Coma Bullion" is the second guitar improv in a series I'm working on. This piece is slower and based around chord shapes with less single note lines. I was studying "Zoot Allures" by Frank Zappa when I came up with this and tried to utilize some of the interesting chord shapes in that fantastic piece of music in my own work. As before in the video guitars are mine. Drums from Sonomawireworks Riffworks Instant Drummer and video footage is public domain.

"Purple Blue Shade" Guitar Improv from Utter Noncents

It's been awhile since I posted any music here. In an effort to reignite a creative spark I've decided to create a series of short guitar improvisations as part of a larger work. This is the first piece called "Purple Blue Shade" Guitars are mine. Drums are courtesy of Sonoma Wireworks Riffworks Instant Drummer and Video footage is in the public domain.

Tentatively the work is called "so low - the utter noncents maxsheen".
-- state the obvious
-- notto zap funtastic
-- sun chai butterstick
-- coma bullion -- done
-- bitter sweet sweat
-- purple blue shade -- done
-- untitled to the masses

"Purple Blue Shade" was inspired by working on a chord progression to fit a whole tone scale series of guitar licks for my "Lick of the Day" guitar blog. In the end the progression did not suit the guitar licks but I liked it and recorded some improvised playing over it and "Purple Blue Shade" was the result.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New facebook page.

I've created a facebook page for the upcoming instrumental guitar EP I'm working on called "Apple Blood". If you'd like to be added as a fan you can use the widget below.

jimifan on Facebook

Sunday, July 5, 2009

slow sunday

a lazy Sunday here so decided to create a facebook page for my music. You can view it here, if you dig it add yourself as a fan. Ok off to work on some more guitar tracks for the EP. No rest for the wicked!

Jimifan on Facebook

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Guitar EP progress update

Working on two new tracks for my upcoming instrumental rock guitar EP. Both are kind of sombre tracks. The first is called "Lost in Decay" and the second is "Walk in Sorrow". Not exactly uplifting but I find expressing sadness and despair is very cathartic.

"Lost in Decay" is about the feeling of isolation living in the modern world can sometimes produce. "Walk in Sorrow" is about life after you've lost someone who was a big part of who you are and how you carry on after that loss.